Flooding is a natural process – but floods can cost communities if the risk is not properly managed. Flooding is one of the highest risk natural hazards that pose a threat to Tasmania. Flooding was the second most costly natural hazard between 1967 and 2005, with the average annual cost of flooding in Tasmania estimated to be $6.9 million.
The Floodplain Risk Assessment Guidelines for Municipal Councils in Tasmania are for municipal councils and municipal emergency management committees in areas with significant risks posed by flooding hazards. They help when conducting detailed specific flood risk assessments that may be required to compliment municipal level all-hazards risk assessments, and identify options to treat risks.
The guidelines summarise a method for the assessment of floodplain risks that are consistent with the revised 2015 National Emergency Risk Assessment Guidelines (NERAG) and Managing the Floodplain: a guide to best practice in flood risk management in Australia. If you require these documents in a different format, email us at ses@ses.tas.gov.au and let us know.
For further information on the guidelines contact the SES Emergency Management Unit.
Tasmanian Strategic Flood Mapping Project
The project was developed following severe floods in 2016, which made it clear that it is critical to have an understanding of flood risks, so we can effectively invest in recovery and increase community resilience to future flood events.
The Tasmanian Strategic Flood Map is multi year jointly funded project by the Australian and Tasmanian governments. It will:
- ensure that most Tasmanian will have access to a high resolution digital terrain model through the collection of light detection and ranging (LiDAR)
- develop the Tasmanian Flood Map to support a flood risk assessment, and the development of land use planning and building controls
- partner with local governments to undertake detailed flood studies and evacuation planning for the communities most at risk of flooding.
The project was developed following severe floods in 2016, which made it clear that it is critical to have an understanding of the states flood risk, so we can effectively invest in recovery and increase community resilience to future flood events.
Tasmanian Strategic Flood Mapping Outputs
The statewide flood map will inform decisions about:
- social and economic recovery from flooding
- business and household flood recovery, mitigation investment, and preparedness
- emergency management planning and response
- flood mitigation investment
- land-use planning, and building control.
The flood hazard map will be developed using a Hydrodynamic approach. It will deliver statewide flood extent, flood function and flood hazard layers for a range of defined flood events to best practice guidelines.
Reports and methodologies can be found here.
For enquiries email ses@ses.tas.gov.au and include Tasmanian Strategic Flood Project in the subject line.
Detailed local flood studies grants program for municipal councils
A funding program for 2024–25 will be available to assist municipal councils fund more detailed local flood studies in areas of identified need. The studies will be consistent with national best practice guidelines.
Further Information
You can get further information on the Tasmanian Flood Map Project by contacting the State Emergency Service on 03 6173 2700 or ses@ses.tas.gov.au.