Every community has capabilities, experience and local knowledge that it can contribute.
Resources to help you with your engagement
There are several comprehensive tools available that have been developed that may guide your community engagement journey. Most have been developed collaboratively by practitioners in preparedness and recovery communications and engagement. SES is not the creator/responsible agency for the links to the below resources, however if you discover a broken link please email us at ses.emu@ses.tas.gov.au so we can attempt to resolve the issue.
The Australian Institute of Disaster Resilience Knowledge Hub
- AIDR Knowledge Hub
- Guidelines for the Development of Communication Education, Awareness and Engagement Programs (Manual 45)
- Lessons management
- Queensland Council of Social Services Place-based approaches for community change
- Community Engagement for Disaster Resilience Handbook
- Disaster Resilience Education for Young People Handbook
Resources mentioned and used for this training module:
- Tasmanian Disaster Resilience Strategy 2020-2025.
- Disaster Resilience Education Tasmania
- Community Engagement for Disaster Resilience Handbook
- IAP2 Australasia
- The National Disaster Risk Reduction Framework
- Transtheoretical Model of Change
- Community Engagement Techniques Toolkit
- Engaging communities to prepare for natural hazards: a conceptual model
- P-CEP Tools | Collaborating 4 Inclusion
- Collaborating 4 Inclusion | Collaborating for inclusion of people with disability in the community.
- Reimagining program monitoring and evaluation for disaster resilience
- BNHCRC Monitoring Evaluation and Learning Toolkit
- LISTmap | Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania
- QuickStats | Australian Bureau of Statistics
Resources available for DPFEM volunteers:
Other useful resources:
- IAP2 Quality Assurance Standard – IAP2 Australasia
- Learning and Development | Emergency Management Victoria
- TERAG – Tasmania State Emergency Service
- National Emergency Risk Assessment Guidelines (NERAG) Handbook
- Climate and disaster risks: 05 Guidance on Prioritisation
- Emergency management | NEMA
- Risk Ready – TasALERT