Short term relief and recovery coordination

Initially relief and short term recovery activities are coordinated as part of emergency response control and coordination structures. During an emergency, responsibility for coordination escalates from municipal to regional to state levels depending on the scale and complexity of the emergency event.

In smaller and less complex emergencies relief and short term recovery activities may be coordinated at the municipal level by an Municipal Recovery Coordinator, or the Municipal Emergency Management Coordinator.

If municipal coordination isn’t sufficient, relief and short term recovery activities may be coordinated by the Regional Controller, who may activate an Regional Emergency Coordination Centre; or in a more serious emergency, the State Controller may coordinate relief and short term recovery activities through the State Control Centre.

Regional Emergency Coordination Centre-RECC

The RECC  maybe responsibile for the following:


  • Review of recovery structures, arrangements and plans
  • Evaluation of recovery assistance, programs and projects
  • Continuous improvement

Long term recovery

  • Long term recovery assistance initiatives
  • Ongoing impact assessment
  • Community engagement and participation
  • Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements claims process


Medium to Long term recovery (needs assessment/approaches)

Medium to long-term recovery involves the implementation of programs to help communities restore, rebuild and return to an effective level of functioning. Assistance may be delivered through government or non-government organisations, guided by relevant plans and arrangements, and the suitability and availability of local support services. Long term recovery may be coordinated by a Municipal Recovery Committee, or through an AARC, which may be supported by a state-level Recovery Unit or Task-force.

There are three broad approaches for long-term recovery coordination, depending on:
• The scale of impact
• The expected duration 
• The complexity of the recovery process.

Planning for medium to longer term recovery starts at the same time as these relief and short term recovery activities.

The State Recovery Adviser within the Department of Premier and Cabinet is responsible for advising government on appropriate long term recovery arrangements.

To inform this advice, the Office of Security and Emergency Management assesses recovery needs based on impact and damage assessments, and the capabilities and characteristics of affected communities. Depending on recovery needs, long term recovery arrangements may involve appointing a Recovery Coordinator and/or establishing a recovery unit or larger recovery task-force within the Department of Premier and Cabinet.


Transition to long term recovery

Once these long term governance arrangements are in place, responsibilities for the coordination of recovery activities transitions from a Regional Controller or State Controller, to a recovery unit or taskforce. This process involves a formal handover, and generally coincides with response coordination arrangements such as the RECC standing down.

State Recovery Plan

DPAC provides the purpose and membership of the State Recovery Team, administration, and how they are established.
The Affected Area Recovery Committees bring together members of the affected community, local government and relevant Tasmanian Government departments to collaboratively plan, prioritise and coordinate regional and local recovery activities.

These are established by the State Controller or Regional Controller, in consultation with local governments. The Affected Area Recovery Committees are chaired by the Mayor/s or a representative. Administration support is provided by the Recovery Taskforce or DPAC.