What is the TEMA?
The Tasmanian Emergency Management Arrangements (TEMA) are issued under the authority of the Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management in accordance with the requirements of Section 32 of the Emergency Management Act 2006. The TEMA provides essential information for people who have a direct involvement in emergency management:
• full time;
• an occasional part of their normal duties; or
• as an emergency service volunteer.
Tasmania has integrated ‘man-made’ hazards into the emergency management arrangements so these arrangements apply to emergency events in this State irrespective of cause. TEMA now recognises that response and recovery agencies work in partnership with individuals and communities to ensure Tasmanians’ safety during and after emergencies.
• Outlines the roles, authorities and responsibilities for emergency management. This includes governance, administrative and legal frameworks; and
• Defines the planning and management arrangements that bring all the different elements together.
The TEMA outlines the ‘who’, ‘what’ and ‘when’ of emergency management arrangements and describes roles, responsibilities and agreed arrangements for the four phases of emergency management, abbreviated to PPRR:
- Prevention (mitigation);
- Preparedness;
- Response; and
- Recovery.
This document is maintained by the Emergency Management Unit (EMU) of the State Emergency Service (SES) on behalf of the State Emergency Management Committee (SEMC). Please direct any queries to the EMU via ses@ses.tas.gov.au or 03 6173 2700.
Tasmanian Emergency Management Arrangements Issue 2
Tasmanian Emergency Management Arrangements Issue 2