An invitation for disability service providers in the greater Hobart area:

Join us for a scenario discussion exercise to test and refine your organisation’s emergency preparedness and business continuity

When : Monday 17 June 10am-3.30pm

Where : In Person 70 Collins Street, Hobart

Cost : Nil

Places are limited – to register, please email with your name, your organisation and location, plus if you have any specific requirements (eg dietary, mobility etc)

We will confirm your registration.

Workshop overview

Imagine there is

  • a major storm/ flood event hitting Hobart, or
  • the threat of a bushfire impacting the city during a heatwave. 

You have an emergency plan, but are you sure your organisation can keep supporting your clients? For example:

  • Could you continue to operate during an emergency? Are you in an area prone to flooding or exposed to bushfire? What contingencies are in place?
  • Can your staff reach your clients to provide their normal needed support?
  • Can you ensure your clients continue to be safe during the emergency?
  • What happens when some staff cannot make it to work as they are impacted by the emergency?
  • What measures do you take to assist your clients are as prepared as they can be for emergencies?

The State Emergency Service and Tasmania Fire Service are providing two scenarios for you to test and refine your emergency plans.

This is a pilot – if participants find it useful, SES and TFS will look to run similar workshops covering other areas of the state as part of the People with Disability Emergency Preparedness Project.